Friday, April 17, 2020

2020 ~Understanding Basic Elements of Qigong (氣功) By Gary W. Abersold

 Sifu Kuo Lien Ying the "Real Deal"

Understanding the Basics 
Chi /Qi (氣) pronounced "chee" is refers to all types of energy. Traditionally taught as the intrinsic substance or the "life force energy" behind all things in our current universe.

Gong (功)  pronounced like you read it in English refers to the skill & power to achieve a desired effect, attainment or accomplishment that is achieved with diligent daily practice. Chi Kung, Qigong (氣功)  can be translated as  the cultivation & study of "life force energy".

 The term Qigong is a "umbrella term" that refers to many schools, traditions & spiritual societies historically found throughout East Asia. Indigenous Spiritual Societies like Taoist, Buddhist, & Village Tradition's do not refer to religion. It is viewed in East Asia as practice systems who follow the way of these Indigenous  traditions as a part of their culture and way of life, though not necessarily as a strict religion as many westerners would view it.

Qigong utilizes breath work, posture, movement, and sound resonation to cleanse, refine, accumulate and circulate life force energy in our body. This leads to improved health, stronger immune systems, stress management transformation of consciousness, and greater power for busy lifestyles. One of the best alternative body/mind therapies you will ever encounter with short learning curves.

Through harmonization of  body, mind, breathing, and sound resonation techniques; our resistance to major disorders, disease, adaptability to the external environment, and immunity to pathogenic influences is strengthened. With a strong immune system, diseases are hopefully prevented, creating a state of super health, vitality, and youthfulness for the practitioner. There is tons of evidence based medical research in the study of what the effects are.

Learning in Covid19 Era

How does one begin if there are no option of learning face to face due to the virus? This is complicated now; the best option that I can think of is home studying an approach where it can be universal, systematic and credible. Having a good map and guide is important to say the least. So from my experience and careful thought I would recommend Master Yang Jwing Ming Qigong series. They are very good and build on each other systematically, and good quality.

All these DVD's are almost like the highlights from his classes & workshops like I use to attend for many years. It was all taught through a sequential Qigong 1-8 class series, I did four rounds of Qigong 1-8 which also incorporated the Touch, no Touch Healing Massage,specialized in White Crane System & Taiji Qigong. This spanned over many years, it was well worth it although because it was in a time when there was literally nothing being taught in public. Many don't know that Master Yang is an incredible bodywork specialist and knows Chinese herb applications that many experienced people have never seen. His teaching style is very entertaining, logical, scientific; universal no matter what stye you do. Visit his website at:     

Go to the bottom of the page and begin with the "Understanding Qigong"; Series 1 & 2; after that there are follow up series to this. These QIgong videos are very informative and you will learn alot of unknown concepts, do your self a favor and get "The Root of Chinese Qigong" book which coincides with this series. If you want to add a easy routine try the Eight Brocades DVD and get the book that is written for that Video.

Is the Master Yang series the final say? Not at all but its a great stepping stone down the path when real classes are non existent. I evolved eventually from the days at his Jamaica Plains School where he taught locally, and so have literally countless experts around the world.

Sage Wisdom for Adepts of  Chi Flow

A wise piece of advice I received from my first teacher Master Katsumi in Florida was roughly as follows way back at 13 I never forgot was roughly ~ Dissolve western sass; be a person of compassion and receptivity. You will forever be learning & relearning each and everyday, be patient as the clock of life clicks on. There is no graduation, nothing to Master; each day we try to improve and be less wrong. Be open minded, be a sponge eventually seek out legitimate masters of the "way" and teach anyone that you have affinity with, the healing traditions you learn. Never become greedy  or you will become unlucky and jinxed in all you do. Be close to all that you do and you will be ok. :)