Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The Collective Practice: Stay at home and Cultivate the Self


Together As One="Tao"

Everyone should be practicing social distancing; not endangering anyone.  Don't be teaching classes, doing energy treatments, be ethical and not selfish. Encourage everyone to seek within, a time for contemplative inquiry. Practice non conceptual meditation and be there for your loved ones. Stress weaken the immune system, soften the heart/mind and build mountains of strength.

The virus has to be weakened or it will never end. Anyone whom tells he otherwise is operating from ego based agenda. The marketers and  charlatans are out there - beware they thrive on fear and ones weaken energy and spirit. 

The teachings of Qigong teach us that healing must begin from within the self. When ones heart/mind and body work as one harmonious being in tune with nature, a renewal of inner peace emerges. I learned the way of healing meditation at 13 and was in ill health compromised to say the least. This is a perfect time for simplicity and calmness in the midst of this global tragedy. I am not teaching anyone and 
keeping, my interactions limited.

Think of your family, friends and coworkers don't be selfish and endanger their well-being. Think of the doctors, nurses and unknowns who are putting themselves in harms way daily for us. Following a ethical path for the sake of all of us.

Gary Abersold

The spirits who have touched the Tao uses their heart like a mirror not reaching out, not holding on, responding but not worrying inside. Thus we can overcome our self and not harm others...

Chuang Tsu