Monday, August 31, 2020

Reader Request~Tao Teh Ching Chapter : Wu Wei


In the Traditional Tao Teh Ching Chapter 2 "Wu Wei (無為) " is first encountered. The Tao Teh Ching is a embedded loaded manual with many levels of meaning. Wu Wei is obviously a important topic to Lao Tsu to appear so early on his teaching in this writing. 

Wu Wei (pronounced "Woo Way" roughly) simply refers to on the basic level, not to act with impulsiveness, for one to follow a life path of acting without striving, leading and demonstrating without pushiness or ego, almost living ones life without no end or mind; or goal. Which leads back to controlling ones impulsiveness.

How does one achieve this? The practice of non conceptual meditation and practicing the art of Wuji Qigong for sure can help. Sifu Fong Ha use to explain Wuji cultivation as the "The fine art of doing nothing; & achieving everything"...which leads you to Wu Wei in action.