Sunday, April 5, 2020

Energy Deficiency a Perfect Setup for Health Issues

Life Force Energy (Qi, Chi) Deficiency

The above highlights some of the typical feelings one might have with "Qi deficiency". Traditional Chinese Medicine utilizes their experience and knowledge to concur common
symptoms through the use of body/mind cultivation (qigong), herbs & food, bodywork such as acupuncture & massage.

 The current problem with the "corona virus" should be a time to embrace Qigong and learn to stimulate your immune system and begin to correct deficient energy. If you have access to purchase herbs I would recommend the use of tonic herbs for they will work very well with a qigong practice. Tonic herbs help with strengthening the body/mind and correcting deficient Qi. The heart, lungs, kidneys, spleen & liver will be strengthened and balanced to building a strong immune system. The number one problem with these recommendations often is lack of follow through. We must practice qigong; and you have to take your supplements as well. If you donot follow this advice you will get nowhere going forward.

Within our current situation is many, people who are posting videos, pressuring people to sign up to "zoom classes" which is fine I suppose. It is funny to me although that many of these people I know very well, where staunch haters of transmitting knowledge via "cheap and sleazy online classes". So just beware that there are going to many people looking to make a buck as well as many genuine teachers who truly want to help.

 My only view is that if you cannot get a recording of the class or modality that you are buying it will be very hard to retain. That would be a huge thing I believe especially if its a expensive one.  Just remember that a live class will be a one time experience moving very quickly as you are experiencing it. 

I personally donot think this is a time to be taking classes; it is a time for self practice. Nurturing those around you and giving hope. If you never learned Qigong I recommend possibly trying non conceptual meditation or zhan zhuang qigong (see below) that focus on being yourself and naturalness. The situation with the corona virus could be the wakeup call to many that body/mind healing is imperative for the family's in general. The Unites States is behind the times with this, most other countries have embraced body/mind healing is a must have in the community. 

One hour of Qigong is only 4% of Ones Day

Many experts believe that any type of exercise is only 4 percent of ones day, which is actually 4.16 for most common like days if all goes well. Its a catchy way to encourage people to take care of themselves. So yes! of hour of Qigong is only 4 % of your day. On a serious note I will close this by saying whatever practice you do stick to that one only! 

The best qigong you could do is one that's not complicated and delivers tangible effects. I recommend Zhan Zhuang Qigong you can learn it here for free on my youtube channel:  

Go to the 10 day Zhan Zhuang Qigong video series as presented by Master Lam Kam Chuan. I studied with him over 20  + years ago, a excellent teacher and a lineage Master. The series is very old but delivers the message and teaching. The price is right cost nothing but all this time you have. Zhan Zhuang Qigong aka "Standing Meditation" number one feature is that through simplicity it helps correct energy deficiency. I have healed innumerable students through Zhan Zhuang Qigong in my teaching experience.

You will find the simple exercises and dedication to the practice of Zhan Zhuang Qigong is kinda like the best kept secret.  To taste the apple through description never does it justice; you have to bite into yourself...just like Qigong.

Gary W Abersold