Monday, October 26, 2015


 Qigong Synopsis in easy terms: Qigong is the enduring tradition of cultivation and study of energy. The term "Qi" is a term that refers to all type of energy. It is simply the life force behind all things in our existence. The second half of the term "Gong" refers to essentially developing personal merit and virtue through accomplishment of harnessing the Qi through steady practice. Like anything in life it takes personal commitment to achieve results and practice will lead you there.

Qigong in action, is using a integrated practice of breath, posture, movement, and sound to cleanse, refine, accumulate and circulate energy in the body. Through the cultivation and harmonization of body, mind, breathing, and emitting power of sound, our resistance to disease, adaptability to the external environment, and immunity to pathogenic influences is strengthened. With a strong immune system, disorders are prevented, creating a state of super health, vitality, and youthfulness for the practitioner.

What you practice today, this week, and during the month; will manifest in the time to come. To change youre personal energy you must practice, there are no shortcuts. Qigong is a easy system based on natural truths. Intellectual knowledge and Science, will not get the "De Qi Le Miao" (feeling and reaching Qi). Find a group, become motivated and you will see for yourself one of the best and provable traditions for health and wellness one could dedicate their path to.