Friday, November 6, 2015

Are you Burned Out?

 Why does having a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment for many in their careers seem like such a struggle at times? There is an invisible battle going on, day-by-day between our search for a Fulfilling Career in our desires and the hidden forces of  Professional Burnout. This is also applicable to teachers of body/mind traditions as well. In many driven people I have found they don't like to ask for help or admit they are getting  burned out in their work load. The following are ideas that could help awaken how to regain balance. 

(1) Admit you are worn out on the road to exhaustion: This sounds easy, but it’s the hardest step. Our egos, as well as our incomes, are invested in feeling good about our work. It’s not easy to admit that you are a mess. See it as an opportunity to grow. For many teaching classes, or doing therapies they are overloaded with too much. Quality has slipped long ago and they are barely hanging on by a thread to keep it together. These practices over time when done excessively without proper recovery are taxing on the body/mind if proper recovery is not done. High quality can only be maintained with proper level of work load. Everyone's stamina is different so pay attention to your personal needs.    

(2) Take breaks and vacations from your work: Personal retreats will give you time to sharpen your skills back up. Schedule your personal retreats ahead of time they can be as a simple as around the corner from where you live. Displacing yourself from your home and surroundings is all that is needed. Leave the technology off, and find yourself once again. Any type of body/mind healing will do wonders for yourself. This can be a ideal time to work on a practice you have been struggling with as well. Take time to refine yourself is crucial for personal health.      

(3) Return to Yourself Daily: Oddly some people that are on the downward spiral - road to burn out never spend time alone. Everyday connect to yourself; your traditions that serve you. Daily, body/mind healing traditions can help dissolve the layers of stress and symptoms of burnout.

(4) Emotional Balancing: This is probably the most important. Get in touch with your true
and deeper feelings and express them. Repressed emotions alone can create burn out. Work with a trusted mentor to help you deal with these frozen emotions. This will help raise your consciousness back up and make better sound judgements, in life. In many cases this is the root of many illnesses and personal burnout.   

(5) Trusted Friend: A person whom you can be completely comfortable with and express your deepest parts of yourself is important. It really can put things in perspective, and help you be more conscious about your personal challenges. Connect with a non-judgmental, but objective trusted friend; you can open up to. Everyone needs someone whom they can ask questions too to get a unbiased view point. In many cases they might be able to point out things you do that causes you being overwhelmed. The key here is that you will need to surrender yourself to objective criticism as well.   

(6) Start a Empower Group:  Start a monthly get together with other people in similar situations. The ideal help of all is to share your experiences with your peers who have had similar experiences. It’s very empowering and will give you many ideas that can eliminate repeating silly mistakes as well.

(7) Be in Control:  Don't let the people, client's in your life determine how you interact with them. You teach people how to treat you. Understand that not everyone that comes to you in life - in professional and personal life will be good for you. Decide what kinds of people you want to work with, be around with, and be willing to let those that don't fit the bill go by. There should be a common likeness for things to flow properly. Sometimes you have to clean the slate clean, and eliminate those elements out. If it happens to much most likely its probably you and not them, which in that case you need to seek experience help to figure that out. 

(8) Is it a Career or a Passion?:  Many time the things we love most perhaps will not be supported by the public 100%. There are those Careers like Art, Music and other desires that at one time were lucrative. Now that times change and we must adapt to that. Ultimately our personal health is paramount to all else-including money. If you love what you do, and simply cannot be supported by public need. It most likely will not be a good choice for not fulfilling your financial needs, don't stay in the game just because.  Look into other businesses and career opportunities. Still follow your bliss but learn to adapt and not stress yourself out. The mental stress alone will burn you out. 

I hope you find these ideas useful; and if you are in this place in life, it can help you begin to paving a new way, for personal healing!