Friday, March 23, 2018

Introduction to Wu Wei Chapter 2 Tao Teh Ching

Wu Wei


Under Heaven everyone knows that the capacity of the beautiful depends on the existence of ugly. Everyone knows the capacity of kindness to be kind depends on the existence of unkind.

Existence and nothingness are mutually born, difficult and easy mutually complement each other, long and short mutually shape one another, tall and short mutually fill one another, sound and music mutually harmonize, before and after mutually follow one another; So there is balance.
This is why the sage engages in "non-action" (wu wei無爲). He engages in teaching by not speaking. He achieves all things but undertakes nothing. He produces but has nothing. He acts but does not depend. He accomplishes meritorious acts but does not possess. Since he does not possess he is not lost.

Quick Notes: Wu Wei is taught throughout the Tao Te Ching in six chapters they are - chapters 2, 3, 37, 57, 64, 81.

Wu Wei: The foundational life code as taught by Lao Tsu. To live ones life without compulsive needs, wants or agendas. Dissolve neurosis of the self, desires and attachments-to live ones life in accord with nature and natural cycles.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Our Biggest Enemy in Life

Be Content Who You Are 
Part I

If we spend our life trying to compare or lurk around to see what others are doing, we cause much harm to ourselves. Engaging in this kinda of activity is a complete waste of time. Not to mention it causes much problems in the mind and heart.

As soon as we pass away from this life and unzip out of our body we are equal. We all meet the same fate no matter how rich or poor we are. 

Each of us are part of the Tao's heart; we are put on this earth likened in many ways as an assistant. If someone achieves faster or greater than you; honest with yourself see it for what it truly is ~a wonderful achievement of hard work and effort for that person. 

Our life is a reflection of our own uniqueness, value and place in whatever we are into. Throughout one's life we will meet people all the time, that have higher ability or skill; and that is ok. Wouldn't be a dull world if everyone was exactly the same? Everyone should celebrate peoples uniqueness and abilities. 

The act of being "Content" is a major teaching throughout the teachings of Lao Tsu. Invest energy to better yourself and forget about whats going on around you or in "internet land". 

In the Taoist practice of Centering Meditation and casting our issues aside, and cultivating our self daily; you will find much peace that is already there. You will find that through practicing of contentment and peace where you are right now the energy of truth comes through the fog and chaos of our body/mind.

 We experience there is no jealous, hate or worry. Our experience is likened to a clean window in which we can look at things more calm and clear. We find there is no need for adversarial emotions; each of us can then strive for cultivating meaningful lives with anyone we encounter. 

The need for justifying is gone. We can develop ourselves for personal higher purposes. People that connect to the Well of Wisdom of Natural Healing of Nourishing Life Arts and Spiritual Cultivation begun to ascend personally to a high level.

 To end this part I section begin to focus on daily life experience's right here and now:

 The past is behind us; 
the future has not reached us;
 Why bother with things that cannot be reached?
Focus on Life today.  



Friday, March 16, 2018

Seven Teachings of Tao within Tao Teh Ching

Seven Concepts

Tao has been translated as Way, principle, nature, road and many other related terms. For practitioners of Tao ( 道) it is the source of everything; the original ingredient to life as we know it. It is so vast and mosaic none of us can tell how it started. It is by itself ~never born nor dying.  Tao is so grand it is limitless; at the same time it is so subtle and fine it travels through anything. Lao Tsu tried himself to see it but it's invisible; he tried to feel it but could not feel it; He asked for it's voice but nothing responded in a communicable voice.

The general ideas here can be found in the Tao Teh Ching found in chapters 4, 23, 32,34,35,41,53,62, and chapter 77. Here you will find citations to the generic term Tao within the chapters themselves, within the theme of lessons.

With that being notated although, there are although, seven key conceptual meanings that are used in many Taoist of China teachings of the Tao Teh Ching or a.k.a. the "Lao Tsu". Taoist of China are simply my terms for teachers and friends whom are a lineage of Taoist whom use Lao Tsu's teachings as a foundational source of transcendence to the source.  Below I will list them for anyone's own personal meditation & contemplative practice:       

1. Truth/Eternity: "The Tao which one can explain is not the unchanging Tao". (Ch. 1)
2. Creator/Creation: "The Tao gives birth to all things; virtue rears them". (Ch.51)
3. Energetic Power: " Returning is motion of Tao". (Ch.40)
4. Omnipresence: "Its alone stands without changes. It is omnipresent and endless. It may be the mother of our world. I don't know it's name, but name it the Tao; source of all things". (Ch. 25)
5. Foundations & Principles: "If you hold to the Tao of ancient life, one will manage existence in the present. If one can know the origin; is called the precepts of the Tao". (Ch.14)
6. Supreme Standard: "Our greatest virtue expression is to only follow and practice Tao". (Ch.21)
7. Nature: The Tao follows Nature. (Ch. 25)